Sunday, April 15, 2012

Welcome to Cfook'd.

Hello. Cfook'd is a blog about food and cooking. Its mission statement is to provide quality food explorations and recipes to readers of the blog and to inspire people who cook food. But what is "cooking"? Philosophically, it is not much more than heating things for consumption. Boiling, baking, steaming, grilling, microwaving food. However, the word has evolved to a sense where it can also imply not heating things up for cooking, but preparing foods in different ways, be it by chopping and dousing with sauce, dehydration, or letting something wait and gel (albeit  I do understand there is heat involved in the gelatin-making process, I am simply giving examples of the whole spectrum that the word "cook" can inhabit). Bringing up gelatin, however, brings up an important point. Cfook'd is not only a blog for carnivores and gelatin-eaters -- I intend to feature specialized recipes for the vegetarians, vegans, gluten-free people, wheat-free people, various people who avoid specific foods (not all of my recipe creations will have the same ingredients), raw foodist, "local food eaters", and other people who eat specific foods. In short, Cfook'd is a food blog for everyone who eats food.

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